St. Volodymyr's Parish

Ukrainian Catholic Church

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Main » 2016 » April » 27 » Panahyda for the Ukrainian ANU student
10:07 AM
Panahyda for the Ukrainian ANU student
A student from Ukraine died unexpectedly at ANU a few days ago - most likely suicide but we'll have to wait for the coroner's report. He was Ukrainian Orthodox. We'll be having a memorial service for him at ANU next week. But in the meantime we'll celebrate a panachyda for him at Lyneham after the 12 Gospels tomorrow night. Could you please put a note on our website and on our email list?
Завтра вечером (Великий Четвер) 28ого квітня, по Службі 12ти Євангелій у церкві Св Володимира в Лайнам, відправимо Панахиду за лушу бл. п. Олександра Зінов'ів, студента в ANU. Він помер несподівано минулого тижня. Молитимемося за Олександра й щоби Бог утішав  його родину в смутку. Вічна йому пам'ять!
Tomorrow night (Holy Thursday) 28th April, after the Service of the 12 Gospels at St Volodymyr's, Lyneham, we will celebrate a Panachyda for the soul of a Ukrainian student at ANU who died unexpectedly last week. We will pray for Oleksandr Zinov`yiv and for God's comfort for his grieving family. May God grant him Eternal Memory!
Category: Other | Views: 1179 | Added by: stvolodymyrparish | Rating: 0.0/0
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