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2012 » December » 30 » Today's saint
- Holy Prophet Daniel and the Three Holy Youths Ananias, Azarias and Misael
- Their
wonderful story is told in the Book of Daniel, in which the coming of Christ is prophesied and
prefigured in several places. Large portions of the book are missing from the protestant Bible:
make every effort to obtain and read the full version. The Song of the Three Youths
in the Furnace have become the Seventh and Eight of the Old Testament Odes of the Matins
Canon; the Odes are sung in full only in monasteries during Lent. The Three Youths' sojourn in
the fiery furnace is prominent in Orthodox hymns and devotions, for their passage through the
flames unharmed is a type of the holy Virgin's incorrupt birth-giving: receiving the divine Fire
within her womb, she was not consumed but remained ever-virgin.
According to the Synaxarion, Daniel reposed
in peace at the age of eighty, two years after the return of the Hebrew
people from their captivity in Babylon. The Three Youths also reposed
in peace. But St Cyril of Alexandria writes that all of them met a
martyr's end, by beheading.
According to tradition these four were among the righteous dead who rose at Christ's Crucifixion and were
seen by many (Matthew ch. 27).
The Three Holy Youths were named, in Hebrew, Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishael; the
names given above are Greek renderings of the Hebrew names. Their captors also gave them
Babylonian names, by which they are also called: Shadrach, Abed-nego, and Meshak, respectively.
Daniel was given the Babylonian name Belteshazzar.
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Category: Today's saint |
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