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2012 » April » 22 » Today's saint
- Martyr Eupsychius of Caesarea in Cappadocia (362)
- This holy martyr was a married man, living in Cappadocia. During the
reign of Julian the Apostate he, along with some other Christians,
destroyed the pagan temple to the goddess Fortuna. (The Prologue says that it was his wedding day). For this he and his companions were cruelly tortured, then beheaded.
At that time St Basil the Great governed the Church in that part of
Cappadocia. When the apostate Emperor, going to fight the Persians,
came to the town in which Eupsychius was martyred, St Basil went to meet
him, bringing three barley loaves as a sign of honor and welcome. The
Emperor, ever hostile to Christians, ordered that the bishop be given a
fistful of hay in return. Saint Basil said to the Emperor 'You ridicule
us now, O King; we bring you bread, by which we are fed, and you give
us miserable food that you, with all your power, are unable to turn into
nourishment for men.' The Emperor perished in the Persian campaign.
Category: Today's saint |
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