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2012 » August » 28 » Today's saint
- The Dormition of Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary.
- On the Cross, the Lord charged the Apostle John to care for His holy
Mother. The Apostle settled her in a house in Jerusalem, where she
lived for the rest of her days on earth, praying and offering counsel
and encouragement to the Apostles. In her old age, the Archangel Gabriel
appeared to her and told her that in three days' time she would enter
into her rest. Giving thanks to God, she hastened to the Mount of Olives
where she prayed continually, preparing herself to meet the Lord.
Meanwhile, the Apostles, scattered in various parts of the earth, were
caught up in clouds and miraculously brought by the holy Angels to
Jerusalem, so that they might all be with the Theotokos at her repose.
After she had blessed them, she gave up her soul to God. The Apostles
buried her with all honor, solemnity and joy at Gethsemane. The Apostle
Thomas, who was delayed (again!) by God's providence, arrived on the
third day and went to her tomb, intending to honor her. But when the
Apostles opened her grave, they found her holy body gone and only the
winding-sheet remaining. That evening the Theotokos appeared to them
surrounded by angels, and said to them, 'Rejoice: I will be with you
always!'. Thus they learned that she had been bodily translated to
heaven, anticipating the general resurrection of all. Her age at her
repose is not known, but many say that she was about sixty years old.
Category: Today's saint |
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