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2012 » June » 3 » Today's saint
- Holy Equals-to-the-Apostles Emperor Constantine (337) and Helen, his mother (327)
- Saint Constantine was born in 272, the son
of Constantius Chlorus, ruler of the western part of the Roman Empire,
and St Helen. When his father died in 306 he was proclaimed successor to
the throne. The empire was ruled at that time by several Caesars, each
with his own territory. When Constantine learned that the Caesars
Maxentius and Maximinus had joined against him, he marched on Italy. It
was there that, on the eve of a decisive battle outside Rome, he saw in
the sky a radiant Cross with the words "In this sign conquer." He
ordered that a battle-standard be made bearing the image of a cross and
inscribed with the Name of Jesus Christ. The following day he and his
forces attacked and won a spectacular victory. He entered Rome in
triumph and in 312 was proclaimed "Emperor of the West" by the Senate.
(His brother-in-law Licinius ruled in the East.) Soon thereafter he
issued his "Edict of Milan," whereby Christianity was officially
tolerated for the first time, and persecution of Christians ceased.
(Many believe, mistakenly, that the Edict made Christianity the only
legal religion; in fact, it proclaimed freedom of religion throughout
the Empire).
Licinius, though he pretended to accept the Edict, soon began
persecuting Christians in his domain. In response, Constantine fought
and defeated him in 324, becoming sole Emperor of the entire Roman
Empire. In 324 he laid the foundations of a new capital in the town of
Byzantium; in 330 he inaugurated the new capital city, naming it "New
Rome" and "Constantinople." In 325 he called the First Ecumenical
Council at Nicea, attending its sessions himself. Shortly before his
repose in 337, he received Holy Baptism; he died on Holy Pentecost, at
the age of sixty-five, and was interred in the Church of the Holy
Apostles in Constantinople.
St Constantine's holy mother Helen, in her role
as "Augusta" of the Empire, founded countless churches. She traveled to
Jerusalem and found the True Cross on which the Lord was crucified. In
the Holy Land she established churches at the sites of Christ's Nativity
and burial, which still stand today in much-modified form. She died at
about eighty years of age.
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