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7:51 AM
Today's saint
Holy Martyr Boniface (290)

He lived in Rome during the reign of Diocletian. He was slave to Aglais, the daughter of a Senator, and served as steward of her household and her large fortune. He also lived in fornication with her, and was addicted to drink. Despite these sins, he was kind, hospitable to strangers, and generous toward the needy.
  In time, Aglais became troubled in her conscience over her way of life, and began to think of the account that she would have to give to God for her sins. Some Christians told her of the holy Martyrs and, moved by their accounts, she ordered Boniface to travel to Tarsus and bring back relics of these holy ones. Boniface, still deaf and blind to the things of God, said jokingly, "And will you honor me as a Saint if I bring back my own body to you as a relic?"
  Boniface traveled to Tarsus with a large escort, well supplied with gold. He went straightaway to the Amphitheater, where he beheld a number of Martyrs being subjected to awful torments for the pleasure of the crowd, but bearing them all with patience and serenity. At the sight, the dissolute steward was touched by grace and felt his heart melt within him. He ran to the Martyrs, fell at their feet and kissed their chains, and loudly declared that he too was a disciple of Christ. So he too was put in chains, subjected to frightful tortures, and finally beheaded, rejoicing and praising God.
  Boniface's escort, mystified by his long absence, made inquiries and were astonished to discover that their godless and sinful companion had met a Martyr's death the day before. They paid fifty pounds in gold for his body and brought it back to Rome, thus fulfilling Boniface's own unwitting prophecy.
  An angel of the Lord appeared to Aglais and said, "Arise and go to meet him who was once your servant and companion in sin, but has now become our brother. Receive him as your master for, thanks to him, all your sins are to be forgiven." Rejoicing, Aglais received her former lover's holy relics and built a church in his honor, where many miracles were wrought. Aglais gave away her fortune, devoted herself to ascesis and prayer, and was herself granted the grace to work miracles. She reposed in peace thirteen years later, assured that the sins of her past had been effaced through the intercessions of the holy Boniface.
Sunday before Nativity

"On the Sunday before the Nativity (which falls between the 18th and 24th of December), the Holy Fathers have instituted the Commemoration of the Genealogy of our Saviour Jesus Christ, in which we include not only His ancestors according to the flesh from Adam to Joseph the Betrothed of the Mother of God, but all the Righteous and the Prophets, who, by their words or deeds, announced the coming in the flesh of the Son of God." (Synaxarion)
  As baptized Christians, we ourselves are by adoption children of the Father and brethren of Christ, as the Apostle says, and are therefore a continuation of this spiritual lineage. May we be made worthy!
  Since the Jews did not trace genealogies in the mother's line, the Scriptures do not give us the lineage of Christ according to the flesh, which was through his mother Mary; but instead list the forebears of Joseph the Betrothed, who served according to the Law as husband of Mary and father of Jesus. According to the Fathers, the blessed Virgin was the daughter of Joachim, son of Bar-Panther, son of Panther, son of Levi, son of Nathan, son of King David. Thus as prophesied, the Messiah was of the house and lineage of David.

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