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2013 » March » 24 » Today's saint
- St Sophronios, patriarch of Jerusalem (638)
- He was born in Damascus to an eminent family, and was well educated
in his youth. Discontented with the wisdom of the world, he entered
monastic life in the monastery of St Theodosius, where he became the
lifelong friend and disciple of John Moschos. Together they visited the
monasteries and hermitages of Egypt; they later wrote down their
discoveries among the holy monks in the classic Spiritual Meadow.
After the death of his teacher, St Sophronius traveled to Jerusalem,
which had just been liberated from the Persians. He was there to see
the Precious Cross returned from Persia by the Emperor Heraclius, who
carried it into Jerusalem on his back. A few years later, in 634, St
Sophronius was elected Patriarch of Jerusalem, where he served his flock
wisely for three years and three months. He was zealous in the defense
of Orthodoxy against the Monothelite heresy: He convoked a Council in
Jerusalem which condemned it before it was condemned at the Sixth
Ecumenical Council. The holy Patriarch even traveled to Constantinople
to rebuke the Patriarch Sergius and Emperor Heraclius, who had embraced
the Monothelite error.
The years of peace were few for the Holy Land; for just as the Persian
Empire was decisively defeated by Heraclius, the followers of Islam
erupted out of Arabia, conquering most of North Africa and the Middle
East in a few years. The Saint was so grieved by the capture of
Jerusalem in 637 by the Caliph Omar that begged God to take him, so that
he might not live to see the desecration of the holy places. His
prayer was granted, and he reposed in peace less than a year later.
St Sophronios is the author of the Life of Saint Mary of Egypt,
appointed to be read in the churches during every Great Lent. He also
wrote the service of the Great Blessing of the Waters. Some have
attributed the Vesperal hymn "Gladsome Light" to him, but we know that
it dates from before the time of St Basil the Great, who mentions it in
his writings. It seems though, that St Sophronios supplemented the hymn,
and that its present form is due to him.
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