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2013 » April » 16 » Today's saint
- Our Holy Father Nicetas the Confessor (824)
- He was born in Caesarea of Bithynia. His widowed father became a
monk, leaving Nicetas to the care of his grandmother. Nicetas himself,
when he was grown, entered a monastery in Midikion, on the Sea of
Marmara. After seven years of monastic life he was ordained hieromonk
by Patriarch Tarasios. When Nikephoros, the abbot of the monastery,
died, the brethren chose Nicetas as their new abbot.
When Leo the Armenian became Emperor, he revived the iconoclast heresy,
even though it had been put down under the Empress Irene and condemned
by an Ecumenical Council. The Emperor deposed and exiled the holy
Patriarch Nicephoros, putting a heretic in his place. Nicetas, because
he was known for his holiness and steadfast reverence for the holy
icons, was imprisoned and tortured, but did not waver in his defense of
Orthodoxy. Nicetas was taken from prison to prison, torture to torture,
and exiled twice, until at last Leo the Armenian died and the Orthodox
Emperor Michael came to the throne and freed all those imprisoned for
Once freed, Nicetas retired to a secluded hermitage near
Constantinople, where he passed the remainder of his life in prayer and
thanksgiving. When he died, his body was taken back to his monastery;
during the journey, many of the sick who touched his holy body were
Category: Today's saint |
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