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2012 » October » 20 » Today's saint
- Holy Martyrs Sergius and Bacchus (296/303)
- "These holy and wonderful martyrs and heroes of the Christian faith
were at first nobles at the court of the Emperor Maximian. The Emperor
himself valued them greatly for their courage, wisdom and zeal, but,
when he heard that these great nobles of his were Christians, his love
for them turned to fury. And once, when there was a great offering of
sacrifices to idols, the Emperor summoned Sergius and Bacchus to offer
sacrifice together with him, and they openly refused to obey him in
this. Beside himself with anger, the Emperor ordered that their robes,
rings and marks of eminence be stripped from them and they be dressed in
women's clothing. He then put iron yokes on their necks and led them
thus through the streets of Rome, to be mocked by each and all. The
Emperor then sent them to Asia, to Antiochus the governor, for torture.
Antiochus had achieved his distinguished rank with the help of Sergius
and Bacchus, who had at one time recommended him to the Emperor. When
Antiochus began to urge them to deny Christ and save themselves from
dishonourable suffering and death, the two saints replied: 'Both honour
and dishonour, both life and death — all are one to him who seeks the
heavenly Kingdom.' Antiochus threw Sergius into prison and ordered that
Bacchus be tortured first. The servants took turns beating holy Bacchus
until his whole body was broken into fragments. His holy spirit went
forth from his broken and bloodstained body and was borne to the Lord by
angels. St Bacchus suffered in the town of Varvallis. Then holy Sergius
was led out. Iron shoes studded with nails were put on his feet, and he
was driven out into the Syrian town of Resapha, and there beheaded with
the sword. His soul went to Paradise where, together with his friend
Bacchus, he received the wreath of immortal glory from Christ his King
and Lord. These two glorious knights suffered for the Christian faith in
about 303." (Prologue) The Great Horologion
gives 296 as the date of their repose. One of the most beautiful
churches in Constantinople, still standing, is dedicated to Sts Sergius
and Bacchus.
Category: Today's saint |
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