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2012 » September » 17 » Today's saint
- Hieromartyr Babylas, bishop of Antioch, and those with him (251)
- He was archbishop of Antioch at the time of the wicked Emperor
Numerian. Once the Emperor came to Antioch and attempted to enter a
church where Babylas was serving. Coming to the door, the Archbishop
forbade the Emperor, as a pagan and a shedder of innocent blood, to
enter the house where the True God was worshipped. Retreating in
humiliation, the Emperor determined to take his revenge. Shortly after
he had Babylas imprisoned along with several Christian children.
Babylas was made to watch the beheading of each of the children. Having
given them encouragement he submitted himself to beheading. At his own
request he was buried in the chains with which he had been bound.
- After the establishment of Christianity in the Roman Empire, the
Emperor Gallus had a church built in honor of Babylas near the site of a
temple to Apollos at Daphne, outside Antioch. (This was where,
according to pagan legend, the maiden Daphne had been turned into a tree
to escape the lust of Apollos). When Julian the Apostate came to
Antioch in 362 to consult a famous oracle there, he found that the
oracle had been deprived of its power by the presence of a Christian
church nearby. He ordered the relics of St Babylas to be dug up and
removed from the Church. As soon as this had been done a thunderbolt
destroyed the shrine of Apollo, which Julian did not dare to rebuild.
Saint John Chrysostom, then Archbishop of Antioch, preached a sermon on
these events within a generation after their occurrence.
- Holy Prophet Moses, who beheld God.
- What can we say of Moses? For his story read the Old Testament
books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The Church holds
him to be the author of the Pentateuch or Torah, the first five books of
the Old Testament.
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