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2013 » February » 14 » Today's saint
- Forefeast of the Meeting of the Lord
- Holy Martyr Tryphon (250)
- He was the son of humble, pious parents in Phrygia, and
as supported himself keeping geese. At a very early age he was granted the gift of
healing illnesses of man and animals, and driving out unclean spirits.
The daughter of the Emperor Gordian (238-244) was possessed by a demon,
which no physician or pagan sorcerer had been able to drive away. One day the demon
shouted, 'Only Tryphon is able to drive me out!' Gordian sent servants to scour the
Empire in search of the unknown healer; eventually their inquiries led them to the teen-
aged goose-keeper, and they brought him to Rome, where his prayers immediately
drove out the demon. The Emperor showered Tryphon with gifts, which he gave away
to the poor on his journey homeward.
When the persecution of Christians under Decius (250) broke out, Tryphon, was
denounced to the regional government as a dangerous promoter of Christianity (though
he had continued to live as a humble peasant, his miracles and healings had made him
known). His former service to the Emperor was either forgotten or of no account to the
governor, who had him viciously tortured, then sent to Nicaea for further interrogation.
There, when no torment would persuade him to deny Christ or worship the idols, he
was beheaded outside the city gates. His relics were returned to Lampsacus, near his
home, where he continued to work many miracles of healing.
Saint Tryphon is especially invoked for the protection of gardens and farmland
against locusts, reptiles (what reptile hurts gardens?) and all small pests.
Category: Today's saint |
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